well since im here might as well report on the game updates...
as of december 1, 2010 channel merge was implemented, servers now handles zones instead of having a copy of the world and there are now loading screens everytime you switch to a different zones. farming is really terrible, hard and time consuming w/ players fighting over them.
lots of new ap stuff came out, overpowered ones, making ap users cakewalk hard dungeons and even solo them.
and for the girls...yea chu chullain mount was implemented and also other mounts like alice niddhogr zhen and dashing pyro jack
law acts came out as part of the chain of curse I and II but still not comtinuation to the original acts...
spirit infusion was implemented, a fusion of equips to get better stats... ex. slot 1 Plasma rifle/ slot 2 5-slotted Rambus SVD/ slot 3 Avalon 24 = a rifle that looks like a Plasma rifle w/ a long range damage of Rambus SVD and also 5 slotted with a characteristic of +20% shot damage which came from avalon 24 woooot!!!
new demons including thor pallas athena lilith muroku mara alice matador girimehkala hellbiker and more...
they implemented stick figures to help player's comps cope up w/ channel merge, dont be surprised to see ppl as walking green pylons when you log on xD
floating price from stores was implemented, now items from npc shops fluctuate in value depending on supply and demand........70k gold ichi plate anyone? =_=
new item mixing recipe and medical science can now be raised, you can make consumables and plates from enemy loots
players can no longer power lvl by killing daisojou during newmoon on kuchinawa cave because there's only 1 channel and there's a lvl restriction on dungeon instance, you can enter gold if you're below 50 only if you are the one making it
and lastly the most awesome thing xD LIMIT BREAK was implemented.....now downside you need to be wearing the right gear that has a limit break ability "AP ITEMS" oh well 13,000 damage anyone? xD